He's not suffocating himself...he's drinking and kissing his pillow....hehhehe
Saturday, January 31, 2009
New Poll Everybody
I've just put up a new poll....It's interesting to know what time little kids in Brunei go to bed. I read somewhere that kids in Hongkong sleep past 10pm and kids in New Zealand sleep at about 7.30pm...
I wonder what the average time kids here go to bed?? I remember my nieces and nephews falling asleep really late at night dulu dulu atu.....i think?? A friend of the family's 2 year old boy sleeps past 2am...night owl..!
Oh and Kasyfi falls sleeps between 7.30pm - 8.30pm....usually knocked out completely by that time....
Posted by Heidi at 4:05 PM 0 comments
Final Poll Results
Nazrah wanted me to confirm the results from the Poll of best Kindergarten...so the top three, according to my poll are:
1) Stella
2) International School
3) Jigsaw Playschool
I've already registered Kasyfi for school ready for when he turns 2 and a half. People think, awal jua..bla bla bla...but I've been strongly advised to register him now just in case I don't get him in to the school of my choice.
So Kasyfi is now registered into Jigsaw under the Montessori curriculum......I've seen what the kids learn here and I find it a little bit more extra fun than the normal way we were taught at school dulu dulu....siuk banar banar Montessori atu.....
Hopefully Kasyfi will find it as cool as I do though...!
Posted by Heidi at 3:51 PM 0 comments
Good Morning Face
Here he is at 7am.....funny thing, after the flash goes off and the photo's taken, lawa tia senyum nya......! I really wanted to get his smile but he only does it after the camera flashes......
Posted by Heidi at 3:45 PM 0 comments
Baby Alya
Awww....she's huge now....and she's only about 2 months old!! Babies really do grow fast! This is Azrimah and Jahiz's new baby girl......
Posted by Heidi at 3:27 PM 0 comments
My Favourite Pink Carpet
Here he is following instructions like a good little boy..hehhe..sit means sit...! AAaaawww...kkiiuuuuut......
Posted by Heidi at 3:24 PM 0 comments
Goofy Again..!
This picture cracks me up!! chali usulnya si Kasyfi ani..!! hahahha... this was taken when he woke up early one morning and was just playing about on our bed....as he does every morning these days...!
Posted by Heidi at 3:20 PM 0 comments
Tuesday, January 27, 2009
Kasyfi Cleaning Up his Play Room
After our flood in the ground floor, we decided to move all of Kasyfi's towels etc.. to his play room on the upper floor..if flood ever happens again we'll be super ready..no more wasting time washing towels and clothes...!
Posted by Heidi at 5:09 AM 0 comments
Sunday, January 25, 2009
Kasyfi's First Trip to Pizza Hut...!
Today I must say....Kasyfi was so so so so well behaved....! He stayed in his seat for the whole time we were at the resturant....i just can't believe it..! All he did was look around....look at the red lanterns, chew on straws...tried to talk...ate a bit...sipped on his drink, played with his dad's mobile....yea..pretty good...! Ada harapan ni bawa makan luar lagi niii.....
Posted by Heidi at 4:43 AM 0 comments
Monday, January 19, 2009
Heh..not for U tu Kasyfiii...!!!
Posted by Heidi at 8:33 PM 0 comments
Saturday, January 17, 2009
The Morning After His First Night on His New Blue Bed
Posted by Heidi at 8:09 PM 0 comments
Kasyfi's New Blue Bed
Here he is just 5 minutes after we positioned his bed in our bedroom...it looks a bit bare and no pagar yet...!

Posted by Heidi at 7:43 PM 0 comments
Friday, January 16, 2009
Picture of Mama, Kasyfi n baby Nawi....Kalau jadi lah nama atu...
I wanted more pictures of me when i'm pregnant..last time I didn't take any pictures ...only one which was taken at a wedding!
Posted by Heidi at 6:21 AM 0 comments
Monday, January 12, 2009
Buying Satay with Bapa...
Waiting and waiting.........mama dalam kerita macam paparazzi stealing a shot..
Waiting and waiting..............
Posted by Heidi at 4:06 AM 0 comments