Wednesday, May 21, 2008

Kasyfi's Likes

1) ABC song

2) 12345 Once I Caught A Fish Alive song

3) Rock A Bye Baby song--- for bedtime

4) He likes to hear bedtime stories about 'Chicken Rice'. I was just rambling about Chicken Rice and he looked like he understood everything! Or maybe its so boring sampai knockout ia.hehehe

5) He loves American Idol. Teranah tu meliat.

6) He stares at guys with beards. Fascinated ia tu..probably because he's not around too many guys usually...selalunya chicks saja around him.

7) He knows when I'm planning to give him a bubble bath. He'll actually wait quietly in his crib while the tub fills up and I'm preparing everything. When I come to check on him he just smiles and has excited look on his face. Like I said, he just knows...

8) He also seems to know when his nini is going to take him out jalan. Kasyfi will litetrally ignore everyone if his nini is carrying him to the car. He develops this 'see through you' stare....and he avoids direct eye contact with everyone except for his nini...macam takut ia inda jadi!! EEEEeeeEEEeee.. belabih!

See he's even avoiding the camera.......he wants nothing to do with anyone who isn't involved in taking him out...

Now he's happy coz he made it in the car! Confirm jalan udah tu.......

So far, those are the distinct behaviour patterns we've been noticing...