Kasyfi..!! What are you doing??!
He would dribble it if he could, I think?
The Greatest Thing You'll Ever Learn Is Just To Love And Be Loved In Return
Kasyfi..!! What are you doing??!
He would dribble it if he could, I think?
Posted by Heidi at 4:27 AM 0 comments
Posted by Heidi at 4:15 AM 0 comments
It was a boiling day, as usual, but still managed to pose for the camera...hehe.. To my husband yang so kind to drive all the way to Lumut and to sit in the hot 'kem' all afternoon..hehhe...next week lagi ah.. *Muah* ;) Luv Yaaaaa....
Posted by Heidi at 6:33 AM 0 comments
These are all my mum's siblings...a rare occasion having them all together in one place.....usually at least one of them is M.I.A. during any familly function. From left to right.... Hjh Senia (mother of the Bride, excellent housewife), Datin Hjh Rokiah (my mum, nurse of all nurses), Hjh Jijah (she can sew anything), Hj Abdullah (still loves to 'Jamming' with his buddies), Hjh Mordiah (she's on the Sensorship Board iatah meliat wayang saja keraja nya) and my uncle, youngest of them all I think, Wahab (he is fanatic about horse ridding and like his brother..sama jua still loves to 'Jamming') hehhehe. Yup thats all of them!
Posted by Heidi at 6:14 AM 0 comments
This is Mr. & Mrs. Zul....Just got married 5 hours ago..hehhe... oh and yes, those are blue roses....if anyone was wondering.....hehehe...
Posted by Heidi at 6:09 AM 0 comments
Again, just to remind everyone...I'm NO David Cheok or orang-orang Masamichi, so the shots that I've taken are all main katik-katik saja. Hopefully, you'll still be able to see how well Asmah's make-up turned out. Her skin that day was drier than usual but once the make-up was all done it didn't look dry at all actually.
I love this photo..macam relaxed and excited rolled into one usulnya..hehehe...
CONGRATULATIONS AGAIN YOU GUYS...finally huh....! And to Dr.Zul.. Welcome to the family.... it's a weird, insane and dysfunctional one..thought you might like to know.....hahhaha
Posted by Heidi at 5:44 AM 1 comments
Anyone hiring? He "WILL WORK FOR MILK"....hahhahaha.. this is his newest baju.. another present from his Aunty Timah.. It just makes me laugh everytime I look at him wearing it. And I think Kasyfi knows it's a silly shirt coz he also laughs at himself when he wears it..! hahaha.. tahu ia he's amusing..
Ani kambang ia.....had enough of the paparazzi..!
Posted by Heidi at 7:07 PM 1 comments
Kasyfi was trying to stand up so he grabbed on to Asmah's trousers...tapi feet-nya were too wide apart which made him unstable..!! But that didn't stop him from getting up....hehehe
Posted by Heidi at 5:27 AM 0 comments
Believe it or not, Kasyfi ani, pandai ia sudah naik tangga! He's now 9 months and 2 weeks old and ia belabih sangat..! I didn't think he was really going up the stairs himself but when I actually saw him do it he truly was climbing each stair by himself!!! Now we really have to keep extra close watch over him!
Posted by Heidi at 5:21 AM 0 comments
I've added this link to my blog coz this website has the simplest calcultor to use ...very straight to the point. So for those wishing to have a little baby verrrryy soon, hope this helps...*hint hint...Dr. 'Z' & Nurse 'A'*
Posted by Heidi at 7:52 AM 0 comments
We bought Kasyfi a little toy tricycle.... He was very excited to help his dad put it together by tasting eveything...hehehe...
Again, 'duduk katak'...hehhehe..cute jua iiih...
Taste testing.....
Posted by Heidi at 12:24 AM 0 comments
We are finally home! This is Kasyfi with his cousin Nadiyah at The Singapore Zoo.... He loved the zoo until 11am...he slept the rest of the day away..!
Posted by Heidi at 11:30 PM 0 comments
This is a video of Kasyfi when we first moved in to our own place..... Looking back at this video, Kasyfi really is a happy, smiling baby..!
Posted by Heidi at 11:02 PM 0 comments
AaaWwww....she's about to cry...!
Relax, relax, relax.......hehehe
Aaawwww.......You guys make a lovely family..!! You've been dating since FOREVER, got married and now ada baby...siok ah....happy banar banar rasanya ah..... Have fun with Sara and don't forget....white card 11" and black shape in the middle 4". ok....
Posted by Heidi at 8:49 PM 1 comments
The headphones actually cover his cheeks instead of his ears..!
hehehe.....sangal jua jadi DJ ani Kash ah??
Oh no...rosak jua ni barang bapa mu niiii...! hehehe
AAaaWwww.... he's looks sooo funny...chali wah si Kasyfi ani...!
Posted by Heidi at 3:26 AM 2 comments
Finally he's big enough to just sit on the rocking chair.....kambaaanng!!!
Now he's distracted by something else.......
Posted by Heidi at 9:21 PM 0 comments
Here's Kasyfi in Auntie Mildred's room....He's inspecting the drawer before he tears it apart..!
Tadi inspection top drawer, now inspection lower drawer... this is what my cousin would call.."Keraja Kastam" hahahha...!! semua kan di-check!
Posted by Heidi at 10:39 PM 0 comments
This is what people in my familly call...'Duduk Katak'. I can sit like this, my cousin, my other cousin and couple of others....we can all sit like that. Kasyfi's been sitting like this for a while now which I really believed that ALL kids sit this way. Apparently, I was just informed just now that NO, not all kids sit that way! hehehhe
Call bapa.....!!
Posted by Heidi at 10:31 PM 0 comments
His new bath time toys.....nini's present for Kasyfi...!
Mum, if you're reading this, don't worry...sikit saja airnya tu..! Yea, my mum pengijap...semua kan di ijapnya...sampai orang lain pulang ikut gagar! Even watching a short video of Kasyfi going under water makes her jump with fear! hehe...
Posted by Heidi at 8:11 PM 0 comments