Usually Friday mornings we have swimming lessons to get to...but we've finished 8 weeks of lessons already and the next semester starts first week of July. So, instead of swimming in a pool....we're just going to jump in the tub.. Jaaadi tah...! hehhe.. This is Kasyfi waiting for the tub to fill up.....His Auntie Melinda can't believe how excited he is...iski banar! hahahaha

Shampoo time.....!

Wash time.....!!
His new bath time toys.....nini's present for Kasyfi...!

EEeeeeEee..belabiiih...kan berdiri dalam bath tub lagi tuuu...!!!

Mum, if you're reading this, don't worry...sikit saja airnya tu..! Yea, my mum pengijap...semua kan di ijapnya...sampai orang lain pulang ikut gagar! Even watching a short video of Kasyfi going under water makes her jump with fear! hehe...

hahhaha...mau jua pause to take a photo..hhahaha....Kasyfi, you're soooo entertaining..!!
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