Aaawww he's soooo cute!!! This push chair i bought for him, Sam wanted nothing to do with it...he says it's a waste of money but I don't care, I think golf every week is a waste of money! heheh....

The Greatest Thing You'll Ever Learn Is Just To Love And Be Loved In Return
Aaawww he's soooo cute!!! This push chair i bought for him, Sam wanted nothing to do with it...he says it's a waste of money but I don't care, I think golf every week is a waste of money! heheh....
Posted by Heidi at 8:50 PM 0 comments
Sam's on leave for 3 weeks and so now he can spend time with Kasyfi in the they are hugging Barney...Why do kids love Barney???
Posted by Heidi at 8:43 PM 0 comments
We haven't put batteries in this toy penguin, malar lupa! But Kasyfi still plays with it eventhough it doesn't do anything much...simple boy..hehhe
Posted by Heidi at 8:40 PM 0 comments
Kasyfi loves to eat when we are eating.....and he has to sit with his sam can't actually eat until he's fed Kasyfi a bit of his food....! Time ani lapar banar si Sam ani..hehhehe...
Posted by Heidi at 8:36 PM 0 comments
OOOooiiii...Kasyfiii....concentrate jua baby....! Yesterday we bought Kasyfi a new cooking set....he played with it for hours and this morning I found him in his cot sitting quietly....bakul atu is the storage for his little toys...he's crawled into it and I think he's quite comfortable sitting in there!! He's also got a little medical set also which he doesnt like as much as his cooking set...
Posted by Heidi at 5:58 AM 0 comments
At this time, Kasyfi was supposed to be eating his meal but instead he was just playing around..kambang..!
Posted by Heidi at 5:56 AM 0 comments
Today is the first day, i think, that Kasyfi really had fun playing with his Datuk. Kambang banar ia...
Posted by Heidi at 5:00 AM 0 comments
We woke up this morning and found this particular terrapin high up on the ladder...just balancing there...
Posted by Heidi at 5:05 AM 0 comments
Today Kasyfi didn't sleep all afternoon and even by 7.30pm when I took this picture he was keeping his eyes open. He just fell asleep at 8.45pm jus after his dad came home from a funeral. Nunggu bapanya kali ia..?
Posted by Heidi at 5:02 AM 0 comments
Here he is showing off his new haircut...
It was getting very long and messy.....ramai lagi tu orang getting their hair done kelmarin....2nd day of bonus..manakan indaaa!
Posted by Heidi at 9:43 PM 0 comments
AAaawwww...look at the two of them..... macam 'gang'...hehhe.. They're watching a Metallica DVD together....
Posted by Heidi at 9:38 PM 0 comments
Posted by Heidi at 2:07 AM 0 comments
This is what Kasyfi was up to after he got up this morning...main dalam bakul...! He looked sooo cute I just had to take a picture. Today he was very well behaved...surprisingly! We had luch at my brother's house and he didn't cry at all..and semua orang di salamnya and di was great! He must be feeling a lot better.
Posted by Heidi at 2:02 AM 0 comments
Posted by Heidi at 3:16 AM 0 comments
This is Kasyfi's play space....he can fall over on his face and he'd be perfectly safe! hehehe...
I told him to lie down and look up...paham jua iaaa..hehhe..
Posted by Heidi at 3:12 AM 0 comments
Today was 'Kasyfi and Me' Day.. While Sam was asleep Kasyfi was posing for photos all day...hehhe He loves to flash that goofy smile....hahaha
Posted by Heidi at 3:09 AM 0 comments
kasyfi is now 1 yr and 3 months old. Up till the age of 1 he's been really well behaved...a very very good baby. He only cried if he were hungry or needed a nappy change. If he was sleepy, he would just sleep..if he woke up, he'd just lie awake looking around. He was like.. a true angel!
BUT, now... after probably his 1st bday...he's now turning into the kind of kid i hear my friends complain about... i was so confident he would grow up with minimal behavioural issues coz my friend used to tell me how uncontrollable her baby at 2 months old would just cry and cry...I would listen and think.."nope, never ever had that problem"...
Kasyfi is now pemilih..before he would love anybody's company, it wouldn't matter. So now he's more selective. ok...a sign of growing up perhaps. He's actually demanding now...he orders the amah around like anything and cries like a maniac if he doesn't get his way. he hits me and sam ...all the freakin' time. He bites his amah. I guess it could be normal for a toddler his age but I think I'm just in shock because all this while he's been such a wonderful baby.
But then again, when he's good..he's really really good. cute berabis. that's why I think all my pictures in this blog are of him being good..when he's naughty inda ku tergambar! I just write about it.
This morning he didn't want to salam me as I was leaving for work. Sasak ku..and I was thinking..he's only 1 yrs old..apa jua tahu nya. but as he was crying pasal inda mahu salam, i bribed him that i would take him out 'jalan' pandai ia diam. but he still didn't want to salam so i just ignored him and left for work. eeeeeeeee..bari garam hati!!
Fortunatly today, I ran into a book called 'Toddler Taming - A guide to your child form one to four' by Dr Christopher Green. Hope this will help me in dealing with him...I have three weeks to brainwash my son until his nini comes home from UK and then all my efforts might -or might not- go out the window! There's always something about a grandparent and their FIRST grandchild. My mum and her first grandchild were so close when he was growing up that she spoilt him crazy to the point where he almost could get away with anything and could have literally anything in the world! - sampai nephew is now 20 and my mum would still do anything for him.... *roll eyes*
Posted by Heidi at 10:27 PM 4 comments
Posted by Heidi at 3:03 AM 0 comments
Posted by Heidi at 4:27 AM 0 comments