yes...our saturday nights have condensed to the usual 'parked in front of the TV' night. Dulu before ths kids and before kawin, saturday night dinner dates ni.....ANI...now...Sam makes kasyfi's botttles and changes his pampers and i'm handling Nawi every 5 minutes.....hehehhe...
BTW, that apple was the apple i brought to work tapi inda jadi makan....so it was in my handbag...Kasyfi saw it and threw it on the floor....!! buatnya macam ball...! adakah...!And Nawi...straight banar jua..!! hahaha

I love this picture.....ketawa ku meliat.>!! hahaha... first of all, the mobile stuck in the sofa was a new idea...to keep nawi busy....hehhe...it worked, thats all that matters!! Kasyfi looks like he's just jumped out of an aeroplane with out his parachute...!! hahhahaha....and sam, what can i say??? inda telarah lagi usulnya..!!!hahahha...

Close up of lil' Nawi...aaaaawwwww......he's confused at what he's looking at.....too much going on with his dad waving his hand all over the place....

That's better...one thing at a time....

Concentrate ah...heheh..here he's 2 months and 13 days old...... I cn't get over the fact that he looks like me....siuk eh...heheheh
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