hehhee...this is a funny story...Kasyfi's sleep clothes were out of stock in our bedroom, semua downstairs, and in the middle of the night basah tia bajunya ani..so we decided to just put on one of Sam's T-shirts on...hehhe...

Kasyfi slept with his dad on the floor that night....coz Sam was getting annoyed with Kasyfi jumping into bed with us and taking up all his space, so he pulled in the mattress from outside...sekali Kasyfi ani meliat bapanya di lantai..ikuuuuut jua ia...kambang banar. So on the huge bed was just me and Nawi...yaye!

He actually likes wearing that shirt..hahaha..kambang banar...look at his wild hair!

view from the back...heheh..thats him waiting for Sam to get out of the shower....he's like a shadow, this kid....follows you everywhere....hahha
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