Yesss...our journey begins...............
This is your captain speaking...buckle up and we should be having a pleasant flight....

oops..need co-pilots assistance.....crew cross check...ani stewardess off-duty ni kana suruh standby..hahhaha
a happy passanger...

I was really surprised to see that Nawi was sauch a good boy pandai ia hold the bar in front...soo smart!!

close up of baby..

OMG...neighbours wall...we gota clean those bricks....!! remind me to get those jet sprays....

moving on along....

Pilot nya ani lesen 'L' masih this time Kasyfi hadn't yet figurse out how to use the pedals...

cruising along....

do they look worried somehow? OH..must be coming in for a landing...hahaha

eee macam big boy sudah aye...

give us a smile...! happy to be treated like a big boy...pandai duduk sendiri sudaaah....

Phew! I'm safe, Nawi safe...yaaye....great first time ride...hehehe
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