Wow!! 3 years old already!! Time sure does fly......Oh yea, that Barney cake Kasyfi picked out all by himself. Sam wanted the 3D Sponge Bob cake instead coz he thought it looked cool...but it is Kash's bday after we let him choose the boring barney cake...hahahha Here we all are at Gadong house at his nini Girl for the cake cutting coz it was 1st day of Hari Raya and a little bit difficult to have an actual birthday party. We'll schedule for a belated birthday BBQ for you later Kash ok.... :)
"Happy Birthday Kasyfi!! Mummy & bapa love you so much. We are very proud of you because you are always making us laugh (and angry!) and you are a good brother to Nawi (sometimes!) and lastly, always remember, no matter what anyone says, all your dreams will come true!" ;)
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