Today I thought I'd take time to write up a reminder of some of the favourites the boys watch daily since the days of Barney, Thomas and Bob the Builder.
This PIXAR logo that comes up before and after their movies is surprisingly one of the kids favourite bit too. They just love how the lamp looks when it's like this and the kids all say ..'Hello.." everytime they see it... and everytime this logo comes on I ask the boys, "what does this say...??" and they both answer.."PIXAAAARRRR..!" then I tell they can READ!! heheheh

So now..the rundown of their favourite movies!
TOP on the list is TOY STORY!!!

This is a clip from Toy Story 3 when they were making heir big escape from Sunny Side Day Care...hehehe

Another favourite is MONSTERS, INC. One of my favourites too actually. Whenever he wants to watch this movie he says, "Mau lihat yang 'tidur'"..this is coz the first bit of the movie it shows a kid asleep in bed while a monster gets ready to scare him... took me a while to realise he was asking for 'Monsters inc' ..!

This was a top movie for a LONG LONG LOOONG time....Cars!!

BUGS LIFE... Kasyfi refers to this movie as 'SAMUT'..that's how I know he wants to watch Bug's Life! here's RATATOULLIE...! Can't tell which is more higher on the favourite list..Ratatoullie or Toy Story....?? both come in pretty close together. I watched this with them 1 billion times it feels like it! seriously!! I thought if i let them watch this hopefully one of them will end up with cooking skills!

Finding all time favourite...

The turtle in this movie also got the kids thinking about our own 2 turtles that we have at home also.
Here's Nemo thinking of how to get back to his dad...awwww...poor thing!
Fish are friends..NOT food!

The Incredibles..!! Another HUGE favourite....Kasyfi calls this one 'Kepala Merah'..dont ask..?!

Great movie..again same who you are...only way to be happy really!

And lastly...Chicken Little! Love this adorable movie. Just last night Kasyfi and I were watching this together for about the gezzillionth time and one part flashed and I was actually shocked...antah terkajut ku... I astually screamed a little! hahaha...then Kasyfi laughed at me and said..'Mama terkajut aaaaaaah..." that made me laugh more...belabiiiih!!
I actually love this movie a whole lot too...probably coz as a kid I was always the smallest one in the group.....
I would watch this movie and think...if my kid was this tiny I think I'd still want him to go for whatever he wanted to do even if it looked like he 'physically' couldn't stand a chance..!'ll never know till you do it.
Here's Chicken Little with his best friends......aaawwwww..... So remember boys....find good friends who support you and stand by you even when the going gets tough.. those are the kind of friendships that really last forever!

OKAY darlings....Kasyfi and Nawi, hope this post brings back fond memories of your TV Pixar watching days....!
Mama and Bapa are a tiny bit worried you guys are turning into couch potatoes ...(our fault really) theres a huge garden outside but you boys love to watch TV...oh well.... we gona have to think of more fun activities for you two....but we love you just the same! :)
Hi, Thanks for your pic on the Disney Castle, I am actually trying to build a castle like something similar to the castle in cake! And wondering if you will be able to capture a really large picture of this castle with as much detail as clearly defined as possible?
Please email me at if u can!
Thanks heaps!
hi.. all the pictures ive gotten off Google Images... so you could key in the keywords and you should be able to get a good picture.
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