Friday morning, our usual long bath tub day, then breakfast in front of the TV....relaxing stuff, Sam at work.
So the day went along... and Nawi wanted something, can't remember exactly what it was, but i remember telling him NO. And that's when it began..... the attention grabbing cry! It was inconsolable and intentional so I thought...aah.. i'll let him cry it out.
I went over to KASyfi watching tv while Nawi carried on his wailing .... i'm kinda getting immune to it now..yaye! LOL..
anyway.. not too long after sitting down with Kash, Nawi stopped crying. And I thought...'finally!' Peace! A minute later I got up, turned around, walked over to where Nawi was but I was surprised that he wasn't where I left him. The thing about Nawi is that when he's "upset" he goes away and hides. Sometimes we find him hiding in the garden amongst the potted plants! That's how severe it can get for's okay as long as we can find him.
But this time, to my horror, I had no idea where he was.....!!
I searched a bit more, checked his toy room, toy room toilet, kitchen, maids quarters, at the back, front garage, all around the house. No where! Then I got a bit worried... got the maid to help me look upstairs also... She went up and told me he wasn't there. And thats when I got absolutely FREAKED OUT!!! I was yelling and yelling, "Nawi...WHERE ARE YOU?!?!"
The thoughts going through my mind were disturbing... what if he jumped from the balcony! Then I thought..NAH that can't be, I just walked around the whole body! ... :P Then I thought...What if he's hit his head and fainted....but where?!?! Then I thought, what if h
e's been kidnapped?!?! hhmm how...? The gates locked..nobody comes around here....hhmmm...NAAAH... - seriously too much tv for me...damn you 'Lovely Bones'..! But all these thoughts weren't exactly making me feel any better... I was going on over drive searching for him.
I was ready to loose it... we were calling out his name but no response. Then I
checked his toy room again.... And there he was.....Inside his wardrobe sitting with one door open so I could see him.
*deep breath* *SIGH* ....
I went up to him and kneeled down to his level... "Nawi..? What are you doing in here??" He looked at me then just looked down... clearly was not a happy bunny...aaaaawwwww
I was just so relieved to find him....Picked him up ...big hugs n kisses...he was fine after that... Me...masih trauma sikit laaaa...
Then later after this incident I talked to Nawi and said... "Nawi, lain kali kalau Nawi marah jangan Nawi tapuk macam atu ah... Takut mama tadi inda tecari Nawi....okay...?" then he nodded his head..

Belabih...banartah!! I'm now he going to be this way when he's a teenager?? Gona be hard to track him down if he has a car .... gota get those micro chip seeking devices implanted into the kids skin!!! seriously....!!
The picture above was taken several weeks before the Houdini day happened. It was while I was teaching my Make-up Class at home. Nawi was being moody about something and his uncle managed to take a shot of him in here. I should have known this is where he could have been hiding again...! This was the exact same face he was giving me when I found him. hehehe
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