In a previous post I wrote about "The Day Nawi Did A Houdini", I talked about how Nawi hid one day which made us all panic like crazy coz we had no idea where he was hiding...turns out he was in the wardrobe sulking I can laugh about it but it was such a scare at the time.
If I thought that was bad, this time was WORSE!!
Yesterday Nawi asked me if he could have some ice cream. I told him 'no' all because if I give him ice cream it would mean I have to give Kasyfi ice cream which I really couldn't coz Kasyfi is having a bad cough at the moment.
Anyway, after I told Nawi the 'devastating' news he ran to the back kitchen. I didn't bother coz the maids were there anyway. Then minutes later the maids were in a panic!
Nawi had locked himself in the maid's bedroom! Clever boy!
The key for that bedroom door is apparently quite hard to unlock and so Nawi couldn't turn it back himself. We all looked in through the grilled window and found him standing at the door playing with the key. We tried to get him to pull out the key but he couldn't.
Kasyfi helped by talking to Nawi through the door telling him "Dont cry Nawi, we're going to get you out of there...I love you Nawi.." aawwww so adorable... I actually thought for a second...hhmm keep nawi in there and at least we have a bit of fighting between the two of them.. :P
We spent about 10-15 minutes trying to get the door unlocked. Me yelling instructions to Nawi and everyone, including my neighbours maid and gardener, cheering him on to follow what I say. It was madness!! I was telling him, "how you turned the key, do the same only the other way..!!!" then he tries it and says to us "Macam aniii???? pusing kunci???? macam aniiiii?????" and we're all cheering him...." Yess Nawi, Macam atu..." then I go mental for a few seconds shouting..."bah kuat KUAT..!!!"
Then I though, okay forget it, no use, call the fire brigade! The only reason why I know to do this is because Syida's little boy, Iman, was also stuck in the toilet a couple of months ago and I remember Syida being told over Facebook to call the fire brigade. Yeap, she had time to facebook it..!! crazy!!! hahahha ... So I called 995, yes thats 995.. I was really surprised that they actually turned up quite quickly. I was expecting them to arrive in 3 hours or something ridiculous like that!
So the guys came, I told them the story, they assessed the situation and all the exit points and then the first thing their main fireman says to me.."Is there really any ice cream for him to eat??" i say, "yes...why?" he tells me.. "okay get some for him.." and he feeds Nawi ice cream through the window....hahahhaha.
He said, "payah ni ia ani macam ani, can be very dangerous if Nawi likes to just run off like that.." obviously I was agreeing with him....
So they found the only solution was to knock the lock open. BUT before they start damaging anything they had to wait for the police to arrive and make an official report first. procedure...! so while we were waiting these 4 or was it 5 big firemen are all talking to Nawi through the grilled window and feeding him ice cream...yeeesh! That sure made his day.
While waiting, Nawi actually fell asleep!! It was his nap time anyway. So the firemen looked at him sleeping and thought.."awwww...poor thing..lets just knock down the door now..get him out of there"
So, we decided to knock the door down before the police came and I told them not to worry I won't sue them... :P
all the hammering and banging and Nawi was still fast asleep! Got the door opened and then the police arrived shortly after that.
Can't believe what just happened. One little boy and 7 men's attention to rescue him...!
And then it was all over... wonderful Firemen and Policemen at our home... we're just so glad to get Nawi out of the room...
Since Nawi was asleep by the time we got him out he missed the Firetruck and Police car. Kasyfi was on his own admiring his two favourite vehicles especially the police car which he was convinced was Bumblebee and would turn into a Transformer robot any second! cute..

Poor Nawi, missed out on the REAL fun!! aawwww.....
*So parents in Brunei, fire brigade - 995, if your toddler is stuck in a room and you can't get them out....this is the person to call....!*