I personally did not take any pictures during Hari Raya.... malas ku! These are the few I've managed to find and the ones I like all because obviously I look HOT in them...hahahhaha.. :P
I've recently chopped off my long hair and am now wearing my hair really short way above my shoulders and so these pictures just remind me of 'the old me'... *sniff *sniff*

This time Hari Raya open house at our place was great. It wasn't overwhelmingly crowded like last year when we first moved in and I was especially NOT happy how the living room cushions did not match the carpet and the furniture. This year I managed to re-organise the house just the way I like it.
And since we held it on a Saturday this time and not on a Sunday like last time, we were able to recieve the Public Sector people during their lunch break and all the Private Sector working people all came after the lunch break which worked out nicely...Sam and I actually had time to sit, chit chat and mingle properly which was nice for a change.. :)
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