Abdul Maliq has grown up with Chuggington and now that's it, it will be Chuggington this, Chuggington that.... Just like how Barney and Thomas was for Kasyfi... Barney this, Barney that... the great thing is at least now, if y'cant think of what to get for presents, you can be sure any Chuggington merchandise will be cherished until the next new hype comes along...
See my boys in the background. They were pre-occupied with something that seems to be of far more importance... nothing can top games on the iphone. Seriously, one day I'm gona make those boys swallow the phone whole!! Inda lagi mau join in the cake cutting!! They were completely oblivious that they were at a birthday party. ANyway, like I said before, baik jua Abdul Maliq ani baby masih....inda jua ia sadar his ony 1st cousins are sitting way over there. Don't worry baby Maliq, your next birthday they wont be given any iphone to play with.. you can blame your uncles for letting them play with their phones.
We got him a Trunki, this was before I realised Chuggington was his ultimate favourite. This kid has only turned 1 but he's already been to UK and Holland. That's quite a long journey ....! So this is for him on his future travels ... don't you just love Trunki..?!?! *SIGH*
Just a thought... Looking at Maliq just bring my attention to the fact that a year has passed so fast!! Can't believe it sometimes!!
Happy 1st Birthday Abdul Maliq....!!
You are a lovely baby and keep smiling that adorable smile.
Sorry Auntie never carry you much coz Nawi is such a drama queen when 'competition' is around and this third new baby is already heavy as it is....!
it's probably "middle child syndrome" what nawi is going through :P
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