Just like Kasyfi and Nawi, Firdaus had to go through phototherapy coz of his jaundice level, slightly high but not too bad.
I think the only awful thing about phototherapy is seeing the little baby having to wear the mask to cover their eyes. They must be thinking, 'what's goin on??'
I just keep telling myself 1) it has to be done, 2) it's only for a few days and 3) baby isn't going to remember a thing once it's over. So really the worrying is all in the parents head.... tough job being the adult, isn't it..?!

Anyway, when we finally got discharged we were asked to come back in a few days to check his jaundice again. So when we came back we were asked to meet the nurses at the baby's Intensive care Unit at RIPAS. It was my first time in there. I thought Firdaus was tiny but OH NO..!! There were premature babies in that unit that were born at 5 months and they were still so under developed. I came in there feeling happy but once I laid my eyes on all the tiny tiny red babies I kind of got depressed!! seriously.. there were over 20 babies in incubators, tubes everywhere and the very premature babies were covered in bubble wrap to retain the warmth.. aarrgghh it was agonising to see. :( Many of the babies were less than 1kg, only a few hundred grams..!
When I finally got out of there, I was looking at some of the 'thank you' cards the nurses and doctors received from parents of the little babies. They do survive! I kept telling myself...yes the little tiny babies do survive.... of course I was told by the nurse that some babies don't make it, but I like to believe that most of them do... I was premature too ;)
So I left the hospital thinking, Firdaus is huge compared to those tiny little babies...2kg, basar sudah tu...lol. So now Firdaus's weight doesn't worry me too much. As long as he's feeding well and everything that's all that matters.
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