Here he is, finally out...! Only few hours old.....

Who does he look like..???

We haven't decided on a name yet....inda jadi 'Nawi Ar-Rasyid' kali...just doesn't seem to suit him......karang malam we'll confirm what his name will be...

Aaawww...hehhe...baik jua this time my baby is 38 weeks....dulu Kasyfi was only 34 weeks and we ended up staying in hospital for 10 days! Ani normal...everything normal...and only 3 days in hospital....we were so happy to get out of there..!
looks a bit like rozi oso.. gawd i luv dat pout!!!
see u soon babe!
hhmmm...rozi?? hahha...well, rozi iiiss my i guess its possible...
i hope if i have a girl she will have 'the pout' also....kesian jua tu if the boys have pouts and the girls get sam's mouth.! heheh
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