Bapa, layan si Kasyfi baaaah....

Today was weird...when Kasyfi's on his own he's ok....but the moment Nawi comes into the picture he just goes mental...he throws a fit...cries and cries macam orang kesakitan..! especially when his niniz are around! so we have concluded..yup..he's getting jealous....

So we're giving him all the attention while we are around in the house so that he feels a bit more secure...kambang bah ia atu!!

Poor lil' Kash..hehehe...dont worry..when Nawi is old enuf to play, they'll be best friends....ehheh
Awww poor kasyfi, andangnya tu..he now has to share his mummy n daddy's attention. Daim pun has his times of jealousy and he'll ask me to simpan his baby brother in the cot or ask his daddy to jaga his baby brother so he can be with me. We just have to try our very best to give equal attention to both boys :) I cant wait til Hariz is a bit bigger so they can play together.
i guess its normal when a new baby comes....its to be expected... hehehe...kesian ah!hehe...
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