Here we all are at Kindermusik ... It's Kasyfi's last class for this session and it happens to be Nawi's first trial class.....Nawi looked like he was enjoying all the singing and we are signing him up for his own classes too.....
On Kearen's right is Jayden(not in this picture), then there's Kearen, Lucas , Kasyfi, Toby, Kaireen and Nawi
Oh and there's Faiq...(spelling?) ....the first boy in the row. I've given all these kids nick names for when i couldn't remember their names...Sam tahu tu ..heheh...
Faiq i call, "Si Belaguran' why...? coz ia and Kasyfi malar belaguran kepala....always terhantuk saja!! it's maddness...!!
Jayden I call "si Gusti" or "Si Gangster" ....he's the one we all feel the need to protect our kids from...hahhaha...I'd say jayden ani doesn't know his own strength..yea...let's put it that way...hehhe
Kearen...awww...Kearen....he, I like to call, 'The Good Boy' eventhough his mom's eyes nearly fell out from the sockets when i asked if Kearen's always a good boy even at home?? hehhe
And Lucas....gergitan banar ku si Lucas ani...he's still just a tiny baby but he weighs 10kg already...his leg is as big as my arm!!! hehehe....I call him 'Si Gergitan' I just wana take a huge chunk bite out of his leg!! hahaha
Kasyfi...we all know Kambang....hehehe...runs around in his own imaginary circles when everyone is walking in one big circle!
Toby...he is 'Si Taukay"...his mummy runs the must be fun to work and have your kid there with you....such a dream job!!
Kaireen....hehhehe...the little girl whos mum - in her own words - 'don't how you can leave your child with the maid' ahaaa..yup... whats a mum to do??? bring baby ke ofis hari-hari?? well if i were a housewife like her sure no problem (rrrRRrrrewooOOwwWW! - cat fight) hahha......Kaireen i call, 'The kid yang mamanya yaks a lot' hahahhahah...
And lastly, the little baby Nawi.....New Kid on The Block.....hehehe
There's another little girl who wast in class on this day....she's one of Kasyfi's partner dangannya lusir sini, lusir sana...her name is Danica....she's the one i call "Si Pintar" she is so so so so so damn's amazing....she can sign language with her mummy..i love to see it..!! man i sooo gota have a baby girl next..!!! hehehhe
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