My dad has a talent which, he really has no idea, is quite excellent...His prefered medium is water colour....this is an example of one of his paintings framed...ada reflection sikit....

To encourage him to paint I will be selling his work....anyone interested, call me!!!
The two above sudah SOLD...YAYEE!!! and I'm accepting any drawing requests too....give a month to complete though...can't rush him...sensitip sikit... :p
This is the first time, since this 'Old Brunei' project I got him to do, that he's kept his irritating opinions about 'business' to himself....yaaaye..!! kalau inda he's like..yak yak yak all about business tips lah...macam macam which in fact he hasn't a clue really what he's going on about coz the truth of the matter is..he is not really doing his own business in actual sanang sanang tia ter-opinion sini sana...BORRRRINGGG!!!!
So back to the point...since he's putting all his energy into his painting again...I've found that he's somewhat bearable to be around...improved by leaps and bounds..banar banar banar....jarang tia lagi kan yakety yak about stuff NOBODY wants to listen to..hahhaha....
iatah I've turned into his Art Dealer...I think the more i can prove to him that his art sells...that people would buy his work..the more he will get into his craft and quit buggin' it's a win win situation....he paints and stays sane and everybody's happy...woooo hoooo....
These paintings make an excellent gift for those who love art and appreciate the work seen through the eyes of a 73 year old dude....(i think he's that old?? not sure now....???)
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