First time at a real playground...wwoooohooo....

This playground is great....the rope bridge Kasyfi is in has three stages which I like to call, the beginners stage, intermediate stage and advanced stage...hehehe..this one is the beginners stage...short distance and closer to the ground....the advanced one is huge..tall..and... By the end of our play session Kasyfi was determined to go up the advanced rope bridge. I was, according to my sister, an embarassment coz i kept screaming and yelling.."be careful Kash..slowly're doin great...CAREFUL!!!" hehhe...

The kids with him are the neighbourhood children who are 'regulars' to this playground. It was kind of sweet... the moment we stepped on to the playground this little boy in the picture took Kasyfi by the hand and started showing him around...

In that space of 40 minutes he taught Kasyfi loads of stuff....I was really impressed with how this kid really wanted Kasyfi to learn eveything about the slide and ropes etc.... very cool. When I think of it now it was probably because majority of the other kids were girls! hahahha... I guess the kid was 'recruiting' more lads.

Next obstacle....up the stairs to get to the giant slide.....

He's almost all grown up it seems....and he's only 2 yrs old!! hehhehe....I find nothing more wonderful to see than my kids discovering something that attracts and interests them.....its just fun..

I remember at this point I was watching the kids take Kasyfi up and I thought, Kasyfi's alright....?!? He's getting on really well with these kids....and he's having fun.... I should really freagin' chill out..! so it's high up...relax...the ground is padded with rubber...hahhaha

Now down the slide......

Trial run with Abang Iswandy first......

And now on his own....handal tiaaaaaa.....hehehhe

I love how this playground in particular has a safe padded floor, just look at it, lovely...! huge improvement ....i remember the playground we used to play at when I was a kid...there were patches of grass here and there which you could literally trip over on, stones, pebbles and rocks everywhere and sand and soil where after rain, puddles and puddles would soak the whole playground..... yea very safe back in the 80s..!!

Yup I like this place....definately going back there again....BUT next time I'm bringing a broom....just bits of cigarette stubs, lollipop sticks scattered....someones gotta clean up.....! Might as well be us...

Kasyfi with his 'gang' ..poor Nawi.... u wait till mommy sweeps this whole place up and soaks it in disinfectant and rinse it down for you ...OK....hahhahahaha.... *not joking!!
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