Monday, February 28, 2011
Friday, February 25, 2011
Oh Damn!
Oh no... I just read somewhere online that Lavendar is not good for sensetive skin. its ok to inhale but to apply to skin isn't always best...oh darnit..!! well i guess i'll just have the lavendar oil burner on in the room massage with baby oil as usual then i guess... :) but they have not been getting any alergic reactions to the lavendar massage''s mild anyway..hmm..??
Posted by Heidi at 7:29 PM 0 comments
Calm The Kids
Since two nights ago, I've been giving the boys foot massages with lavendar massage oil and lavendar body lotion. It smells so relaxing and really helps the kids calm down for bed. It also gets me all chilled out too after a whole day of battleing it out with the two kids over insignificant things! hehehe
Posted by Heidi at 7:15 PM 0 comments
Happy Birthday Nephew!!
On 23rd Feb, it was Brunei's National Day and also happened to be my nephew's birthday! He had a birthday BBQ but I missed it...SORRY DUDE...will make up for it soon.
Hamzah @ Boboy is 23 years old now (i think)... he was born when I was 10... wow!! I was an aunt at 10 yrs old.
DO EXACTLY WHAT YOU WANA DO and not what others simply tell you to it..?!
Love you always...!!
Posted by Heidi at 7:00 PM 0 comments
Today is my sister's birthday and she is in Kuwait at the moment celebrating over there with her 'friend'. Haven't met her 'friend' yet but I hope to soon be meeting this 'friend'. hehehhe
Posted by Heidi at 6:52 PM 0 comments
One of Kasyfi's favourite past times... loves to arrange stuff... here he is perched on the side watching 'The Incredibles' for like the 5th time!!!
Posted by Heidi at 5:20 PM 0 comments
Red Ears , Red Antlers
Yesterday the kids were arguing with this toy right here. Both wanted to get on it..! Then I come in frantically telling them to share share share..!!
Luckily Kasyfi agreed to share and let Nawi sit behind.
So there I was again, frantically telling them to hold on coz Kasyfi was about to bounce up and down in top speed..! Told Kasyfi to hold on to the antlers and Nawi to grab the ears..
Said to Nawi, again in panic mode (dunno why!), "Pegang telinga Nawi pegang telinga, pegang telinga.." Nawi was about to hold the toy ears when he looked up and saw kasyfi's ears! and then decided to hold on to Kasyfi's ears instead...!! hahahha..i had stitches from laughing too hard..!! funny kids...
Posted by Heidi at 4:59 PM 0 comments
Wednesday, February 23, 2011
Here are the boys with Ummie and Bapa Khairi... This was last year and I don't recall uploading this photo. The day wasn't anything special...just a normal day...but on this particular day I decided it would be a great lesson to teach the boys on giving things just for the hell of it and asking nothing in return. Kasyfi and Nawi got really excited and they were just so happy coz they were getting all these hugs and sweet!!
Posted by Heidi at 4:31 PM 0 comments
Monday, February 21, 2011
To My Darlings
Sam, Kasyfi and Baby Nawi....Things going on in our lives but whatever it is hope we all remember this one message.
Posted by Heidi at 7:21 PM 0 comments
New Bed Position
There's Kasyfi curled up asleep...trying to wake him up for school ...still in the process here..!
Last night I was in the mood to do a bit of cleaning up in my bedroom.
Kasyfi still sleeps with us and this is mainly coz I can't let him sleep in a separate bedroom... too attached and he also is too attached! So while I was cleaning up, decided move kasyfi's bed to a different section of the room so it looks as if he has his own bedroom. Kind of like a mini training for when he get his own room.
Brought in his little carpet so he'll feel more 'at home'.
Surprisingly he slept through the night. Normally he'd wake up for milk or cry coz of bad dreams but this time he slept soundly....which allowed the rest of us to sleep soundly too...!!
I hope he likes his bed there... i do feel it's a bit far coz I can't see him immediatly when I wake up but I tell myself.... adang! he's fine and he is growing up so whats to worry about really. :)
Posted by Heidi at 6:04 PM 0 comments
Our LED TV... may it R.I.P.
*Parents....this is what nobody actually mentioned to us when we bought this. Of course there is always that risk the kids could wreck it but it just never occured to us that it would happen TO OUR TV... manakan , at the time of purchase we were only busy haggleing the price to get it as low as possible!
This is Kasyfi's handy work...according to the maids, Kasyfi had the remote control in his hand and was about to hit his brother with it so they managed to save Nawi and took him away...which left Kasyfi furious and then he flung the control to the TV..yup thats how it happened. If you ask Kasyfi now he'll actually tell you the story..the whole story. He now even confesses to the crime! Poor Sam.... he was in utter shock. This was taken a day later...if i had taken a shot of him the moment he found out about the TV he might have thrown my iPhone through the screen too!!! hahahha.. yea we can laugh about it now...but on the day this happened, OMG scary!! Didn't know what Sam was gona do..imagined him picking Kasyfi up and throwing him through the roof...! but thankfully Sam was just stunned and didn't kill kasyfi basically!

So this is the setting at home now. Couldn't live without watching American idol and Glee so had to hook up the other TV...hehhehe. The spare tv looks minature compared to out broken LED.
Posted by Heidi at 5:42 PM 0 comments
Wednesday, February 16, 2011
Where's My Teddy?
Okay that pink toy is my fault..! hahaha... we've been forgetting to bring up one of Kasyfi's teddys or toy cars up to bed and so the next best thing I could find without having to run downstairs to the playroom, was this tissue box cover that I have in our bedroom. Obviously I bought this for myself coz it's so damn cute and pink! So I let him sleep with it for a few nights and today I woke up and found him asleep like this!! hahhaha
Posted by Heidi at 11:12 PM 0 comments
Trip to Chemiland
Sam had to get to Chemiland because our front gate bars kept coming apart (stress for him!) and we were advised to get it welded together..but he decided to go with a short cut... glue them back on ...worked quite well so far... :P
Posted by Heidi at 11:05 PM 0 comments
Tuesday, February 15, 2011
Bubble Bath Time...YAAYE!!
I think this was a public holiday or was it on a Sunday..?? Just decided to have a nice bubble bath for the boys coz it's always fun for them to spend time with their dad.
Posted by Heidi at 7:10 PM 0 comments