Monday, February 21, 2011

New Bed Position

There's Kasyfi curled up asleep...trying to wake him up for school ...still in the process here..!

Last night I was in the mood to do a bit of cleaning up in my bedroom.

Kasyfi still sleeps with us and this is mainly coz I can't let him sleep in a separate bedroom... too attached and he also is too attached! So while I was cleaning up, decided move kasyfi's bed to a different section of the room so it looks as if he has his own bedroom. Kind of like a mini training for when he get his own room.

Brought in his little carpet so he'll feel more 'at home'.

Surprisingly he slept through the night. Normally he'd wake up for milk or cry coz of bad dreams but this time he slept soundly....which allowed the rest of us to sleep soundly too...!!

I hope he likes his bed there... i do feel it's a bit far coz I can't see him immediatly when I wake up but I tell myself.... adang! he's fine and he is growing up so whats to worry about really. :)