Monday, February 21, 2011

Our LED TV... may it R.I.P.

*Parents....this is what nobody actually mentioned to us when we bought this. Of course there is always that risk the kids could wreck it but it just never occured to us that it would happen TO OUR TV... manakan , at the time of purchase we were only busy haggleing the price to get it as low as possible!

This is Kasyfi's handy work...according to the maids, Kasyfi had the remote control in his hand and was about to hit his brother with it so they managed to save Nawi and took him away...which left Kasyfi furious and then he flung the control to the TV..yup thats how it happened. If you ask Kasyfi now he'll actually tell you the story..the whole story. He now even confesses to the crime!

Poor Sam.... he was in utter shock. This was taken a day later...if i had taken a shot of him the moment he found out about the TV he might have thrown my iPhone through the screen too!!! hahahha.. yea we can laugh about it now...but on the day this happened, OMG scary!! Didn't know what Sam was gona do..imagined him picking Kasyfi up and throwing him through the roof...! but thankfully Sam was just stunned and didn't kill kasyfi basically!

So this is the setting at home now. Couldn't live without watching American idol and Glee so had to hook up the other TV...hehhehe. The spare tv looks minature compared to out broken LED.

After this incident I got super worried about Kasyfi's behaviour. I went to see an Ustaz in Beribi and he told me simply, "don't worry, it's normal..the kid's a kid.". Told him that we were worried that he may grow up this way too, not changing...then he told me, "He will change, no worries. He won't grow up to be a monster!" Alhamdullillah. And then he said to me, which I find more at ease to believe, he said, "Your son is very clever and very intelligent... nothing to worry about." double Alhamdullilah. So yes... parents of kids aged about 3ish... all that crazy's normal...!
Then the Ustaz advised me to simply (I love this Ustaz, his comments and solutions are so simple...and so do-able) :
- Baca Qulhuallah : 7 kali, tiup arah air minumnya. Let ur kid minum air atu and also sapu di kepalanya, badan etc...
That should do it..! :D