Sunday, September 28, 2008

My Latest Craze..!

Yes, I knw, there are people out there who have been collecting this stuff for ages... but it's only recently that I've begun to appreciate these kind of things. Not only does it create a calming environment but it's also quite nice to look at...intersting.

This is called 'Celestite'. This absorbs any negative energy and then radiates loving energy's a high vibration energy stone.. cool huh! Oh and I'm not kidding...if you hold it in your hand for a while you can actually feel a vibe...well..I husband..alum! guys! typical!

This is another assortment that caught my eye. These are Harmony Balls. Its a mix of your what I have here are...(From left to right) Clear quartz, Fluorite - for good concentration and to absorb negativity and especially good for studying or work, Rose Quartz - for love, Amethyst - a healing stone, the Yellow one lupa ku - its for abundance of happiness, sunshine and wealth etc, and Smokey Quartz - for grounding emotions.... Oh and notice how the Rose Quartz and Amethyst is positioned next to each other touching, its to keep your love grounded and to keep couples together....oooooohh....siuk kan!!! I'll review what they all do again nanti. It really is all intersting to knw.

The one on the left is a Celestite and the huge white one is a Clear Quartz with a little Amathyst ball. If you surround pictures of family etc. around the Clear Quartz it will promote peace, love and happiness for all those people. Siuk ah!

I've heard many people buy barang ani at The Mall but I think it's slightly more expensive over there. Try buying from my friend Elaine at Shiatzern Spa, Kiulap. Probably a bit more affordable. She also has stones you can wear as jewellery.

Ada lagi ni my collection but indakan I photograph my whole house! hahha....

So thats my newest gila-gilahan...apart from make-up...hehhehe