Wednesday, October 8, 2008

Pregnant Ladies...READ THIS!!!

I ran into more information about these crystals and found that these three specific stones, MALACHITE, MOONSTONE AND PERIDOT, help with reducing and controling labour pains! aha..aha...hehhe.

MALACHITE (dark green w/ lines) is one of the strongest healing stones. It goes right to the core of the problem and helps alleviate and solve it. It has been called the midwife stone as it is truely wonderful with the female organs, helps with cramps and labor pain, helps ease birth. It lowers blood presure, treats asthma(heaves), arthritis, fractures, swollen joints, non malignant growths, heals the optic nerve, pancreas, spleen and parathyroid, it stimulates the liver to release toxins, treats diabetes and sugar imbalances, it eases mental disturbances (lost infants, shock due to attack or injury...)

MOONSTONE (creamy opalescent) is the perfect antedote for the overly aggressive male or female, it heals stress and can help with upper digestive problems due to stress(colic, scours, diarrhea), often called the woman's stone it helps during pregnancy, also improving milk production and nursing stress and discomfort, eliminates toxins, and fluid retention, helps vitamins and nutrients work more efficiently, alleviates degenerative skin, hair and eye conditions, cleanses the liver and pancreas.

PERIDOT (irridescent green) is a powerful cleanser, releasing toxins on all levels. It enhances confidence without aggression, motivating growth and necessary changes to behavior(biting, kicking, rearing, running out), It energizes a loggy body and mind, and helps improve the quality of life. It has a tonic effect healing and regenerating weak tissue, it strengthens the metabolism and helps the skin(nice for older animals, and the very young). It helps the heart, thymus, lungs, spleen, intestinal tract, ULCERS, and strenthens the eyes. Placed on the abdomen it helps giving birth by strengthening contractions but lessening pain.

Siuk membaca ah!! So i recommend again...SHIATZEN SPA in Kiulap to buy all these crystals.......ok....


Anonymous said...

Waseh! you're really into stones and crystals eh. So tell me, did you tried it out as well for your current pregnancy? ;)

Heidi said...

well..i only jus found out all this info so i didn't use any crystal help for my pregancy...BUT i think i wana try bringing in some Peridot and Moonstone for my delievery nanti....hehhe